PC Desktop Cleaner is a very useful tool that allows you to maintain your desktop clean from unused files and shortcuts. There are many actions you can perform with this tool. You can archive, leave on desktop, delete, move to recycle bin, or move files or shortcuts to a certain destination folder. You can select which files will be handled and include folders in the cleaning process. It has a rule editor that allows you to create your own rules. You can set rules to a higher or lower priority; use file masks for searching files of certain type, size, or date. PC Desktop Cleaner can remind you to clean your desktop every day, week, or month. PC Desktop Cleaner also generates a log file. When you open PC Desktop Cleaner, the program shows the existing files and folders on desktop in the "Clean your desktop" tab. Here you can perform any of the actions previously mentioned. In the "Browse cleaned files" tab you can check for the items cleaned on different dates, open the destination folder or restore the cleaned items to the desktop.